Daylite Timer

A simple no fuss timer

Version 0.7 available via in app update

Fast project loading.  Release History

Daylite Cloud

Daylite cloud ready. Works directly to Marketcircle’s cloud service.


We like things straight forward, spending time on your work not the app.


Does not need Daylite to be running – or even installed on your computer.

How does it work?
We connect directly to Marketcircle’s Daylite Cloud platform (no Self Serve support sorry!)

You’ll need to login and authorise the app. (There’s a button that you hopefully wont miss called ‘Connect to Daylite’)


What does it save?
Currently we add an appointment in your calendar. You can set a category on this appointment.

Future Plans?
We have plans to add more features. However, we would like to hear from you. Use this form if you have an idea

  System Requirements
We have developed using Mac OS X 10.15. We know it works on 10.13, but have not tested fully.

Further help can be found here.

How much £ $ €?

How much would you like to pay?  We’re offering the tool for free (for now), but if you would like to see it being development you can send us some money!

We will charge for this tool eventually,

While we are in early development the tool will be free, but will expire often, If you do support us during this time, we’ll make sure you’re looked after when it come to being chargable, depending on how much you send 🙂

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